Joy Dare :: 3 Gifts Berry Red


I really don’t have much red around the house, but at Christmas time, there are always little pops of cheerful red to be found when you look hard enough!


This is still one of my favorite pops of red around Christmas time. I have blogged about it before…

A gift from a dear friend [the same friend that sent me this!]. I think it was given to us on our first Christmas together, but it may have been our second. They’re all starting to blend now…

When I was due with Sophie around Christmas time two years ago, we kept her name to ourselves. We were actually going to name her Lucy Sophia, and had experienced a few negative reactions to the name Lucy, so we decided not to share the name until there was a tiny girl to go with it. My little sister, Hannah saw this ornament hanging on the tree, and was certain that she had learned the name of our baby girl!

As it turned out, Sophie’s name got changed while I was in labor to Sophie Lucia Marie, so all that secrecy was for naught.


The Christmas tree skirt has been in my family since my first Christmas, and maybe even longer. I used to kind of wish I could have some fancy Anthropology tree skirt, but I am really glad that this is the one we still have and use. It’s really quite cozy!


Another gift from a very good childhood friend who also moved way too far away. Geeze, what is it with these people?!


My thrifted ice bucket sports a cheerful red!


A lovely ornament, made by Hannah, and particularly loved and adored by Sophie, who simply can’t resist bling in any form.


Our handy dandy red rubber scraper.


My red hymnal, as mentioned by Mom.


Really, once the kids and I got started looking for red things that we were thankful for, it was hard to stop!

A Very Awesome Christmas Package…

…arrived in the mail from a friend who moved to some distant, cold and strange place this last fall.


It is completely adorable and has been one of the most sought after books in the house, of late.


Trux has pronounced all the recipes to be “Yummy!” and I have to agree with him.


Black coffee canes? Count me in!


The girls have been pulling out all their tea stuff, and pouring over all the vintage fashion tips, like:


Tying the vintage headscarf


and how to apply false eyelashes. Thankfully they haven’t tried that one, yet.


Baked grapefruit? What a great idea! I see a new Christmas morning tradition in the making!

Thank you Rowena… you’re awesome!

Joy Dare :: 3 Gifts Silver


When I was thinking about Silver Gifts that I am thankful for, the first thing I thought of was my French press. Turns out, the French press ranks pretty high with my mom, too. Great minds, and all that. It’s a pretty multifunctional piece of equipment, and I am am very grateful to own one!


These pretty little shot glasses were a gift from my brother Jared. I think he snagged them from Germany on one of his trips ’round the world. I am convinced that Jared’s love language is gifts, because he and his lovely new wife Amber both just do gifts so well.


My third item of silvery happiness comes from a thrift shop. Thrift shops are the bestest ever, and every time Dan leaves me with the van he secretly worries what I will drag home. But we both agreed that this was a good find, since last year when we needed a tree topper, and had a very small budget we still hated what dollar general had to offer. Thrift shops are the best!

Happy Birthday, Gillian Adelaide!


Hers was such an easy birth, and she was such a lovely, peaceful infant.


She is the perfect addition to our little family, and is adored by her siblings.


She is no longer exactly peaceful. In fact, she is kind of a ring leader in all the mischief. She has all of us completely wrapped around her pudgy little finger. She is walking now, and has five little teeth, with the sixth one just starting to poke through. She loves avocados, scrambled eggs, and chalk. She is a terrible (or accomplished) climber, and is always in great danger. She loves to give kisses. She loves to dance to just about anything from our old record collection, and her favorite song is a Lawrence Welk song called Let’s Go Dance. She is a pro when it comes to bath time splashing. She still nurses about four times a night. She loves her siblings like crazy and calls them all in to her crib when she wakes. She loves to watch our fish, steal her brother’s sippy cups and fish in the toilet.


Happy Birthday, baby girl!

now we are six

If I were being perfectly honest, I’d tell you how much I dreaded the age of six, and beyond.  I’d tell you that I thought it was a horridly pretentious and annoying age.
I was pretty much wrong.  Six is fantastic!  I had no idea how cute it was going to be… filled with so much earnest confusion, authentic creativity and honest expression.  Maybe I’m totally blind to the annoyingness, but I’m lovin’ it!

“But now I am six,
I’m as clever as clever.
So I think I’ll be six
now and forever.”

random photos from around the house in Los Alamos

The cousins.

A very scary group of little girls. Please note: SCARY. Not a group you’d want to meet in a dark alley.

Truxton with Grandma J. He felt very comfortable with his Grandparents J.   Comfortable – get it?

Grandma hanging out in the kitchen – which is pretty much what she does all the time. In fact, calling someone “Gretchen” has become a euphemism of sorts in the J. family. It means to come and sit down and join the festivities.

Truxton as the centerpiece. Eating breakfast can be very exhausting.

Sophie and Grandpa J. dead-heading flowers. Grandpa informed her that dead-heading flowers is one of the things old men do best.