I’m back – I think!


I can’t believe that the last time I posted was on August 15th! How in the world can I catch up? Hopefully I will be able to post a series of “catch-up” posts in the next several days, but in the meantime, a brief overview of what’s been keeping us busy:

1. A website. I built my first ever “for someone” website a couple of weeks ago. It’s for The Lonesome Hill Gang, and while it’s still rough, I’d like to point out that I who have no website experience, managed to get this together in one week (cue: applause).

2. Life. We’ve been doing all the usual things that fill our days (selling cars, going grocery shopping, trying to keep up with laundry and the house, going for walks, running errands, going on picnics, fighting colds) – all things that normal people could manage without making a huge deal out of it, but you have to remember that I am pregnant, and TIRED, and I have been sick until just recently, so blogging had to take a back seat to Life.

3. Living without a dishwasher. I know, some people do it, but see above.

4. Various accidents and mishaps including but not limited to: a scary jump off of the bed (performed by Kinsley) which resulted in a scary knock to the head, and burning candles complete with hot wax being pulled off the table (by Sophie) onto Kinsley’s head, which resulted in minor burns and much wax in hair.

5. The beginning of fall sewing for the girls’ wardrobes.

6. Rearranging a few rooms in the house, to better accommodate the accumulation of many large toys.

7. A lovely dinner party hosted by a dear friend.

8. A weekend trip which was very nice, but like everything else we undertake, was also very exhausting.

9. The invasion of bluegrass into our lives. Hence the photo above.

So, that’s pretty much it. Now that I look at the list, I can’t remember exactly why I’ve been so busy. For normal people, it really doesn’t look all that daunting.

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