hemoglobin, and all that fun stuff


After visiting with our midwife yesterday evening, and having my finger pricked (which was horridly fascinating for the observing Kinsley), I’ve learned that my hemoglobin count is low. In the anemic range, apparently.

My midwife pricked my finger and could tell immediately that my count was low, by simply looking at my watery blood. Then she put the slide thingy into her machine, and started tsking, shaking her head, and expressing much disapproval. “I am not happy, not happy at all…” she kept muttering. I felt very much like a naughty child, who was being chastised.

So, now I get to drink that delicious concoction you see up there, twice a day. I get to eat lots of yucky combinations of stuff, like liver, spinach and egg yolks cooked in cast iron (thankfully not necessarily all at once), and take plenty of iron.

Thanks to Rachel, I’ve got a box of Hema-Plex on the way…

I guess that would at least explain why I keep wanting to crunch ice and eat wilted spinach lately.

So, what would you do if you had a month to drastically increase your hemoglobin count?

6 thoughts on “hemoglobin, and all that fun stuff

  1. After I hemorrhaged when T was born, I took this several times a day, and ate lots of red meat and eggs and collards. I refuse to eat liver.
    But I’d also had a shot of Procrit (in lieu of a transfusion), so I’m not really sure which method brought me back to normal first.

  2. I was in the hospital to have a tumor removed about 2 and a Half weeks ago. I eat alot of stake but I asked if there was foods for me to eat that woiuld bring up my hemoglobin and they told me no… So now comeing up on three weeks i’m still white as a ghost and can’t function. If anyone can help me shoot me an email at littlewhiteboy47@aim.com because I can’t stand laying here anymore. I’m in 11th grade and haven’t been to school in 4 weeks

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